Overcoming the stigma of mental illness.

One of the goals with my blog is to help people understand those discriminated and pointed fingers at. We all get to face discrimination at some point in our lives but those suffering from mental illnesses face it almost every day. Since our society still stigmatizes mental problems and those suffering from them, it is important that we talk about them more and help people understand that it is not something to look down at. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. If someone is facing a mental issue you better believe they have some hidden gems underneath that veil of illness.

I like to think about things logically and go in-depth, and one of the things that I had noticed growing up, but also is stated in surveys, is that the number of people facing mental issues is increasing. I am aware that there have always been people with mental illnesses but in recent years because of the drastic change in our daily lives, the constant reliance and usage of technology, excessive use of social media, etc, problems like depression and anxiety are on the rise. Most of us will face them at some point in our lives and since that is the case, it has become more important than ever that we as a community understand them.

I have had friends who went through some serious depressive phases, I have seen the changes in them, which I think we all can see if we start paying proper attention to the people close to us. Like it is said, the problem with most of us nowadays is instant gratification and that affects our relationships as well. We listen to reply and not to understand which many times prevent us from creating genuine bonds. Listening and understanding the cries of help between the lines is an art that takes time and effort, like all other, but by learning it you could help your friends and family in the time of need.

We all have busy schedules and every free moment we get, we try to avail it by relaxing or entertaining. So the thing I have seen the least even in universities is genuine discussions about mental health. Talking openly about mental health when with friends and family can help those facing problems to open up. It is like giving those going through a problem a signal that its a safe space where you can talk and I might understand. So we need to increase this, take some time out to discuss all health-related issues and you will see sooner or later, the ones going through some problems will open up to you. And people tend to remember the ones who are there at the time of their need. That's how you make intimate relationships.

Understanding that most of these issues are recoverable can make you view others in a new light. In our community, at least in the older generation, even the ones facing common problems like depression are looked like tainted glass. Some people get the tag of the mentally ill and carry it for most of their lives. Only if they could understand that it is just a scratch, although sometimes deep and big, it is very much recoverable. And many times the person that emerges through the dark phase is stronger and better than the one that got in.

So its about time we put in some effort to change the stigmas with mental illnesses. No matter how small or big the problem, lets learn to be there for those suffering and give them safety by not labeling them or looking down on them.


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