6 ways to stop Overthinking.

Most of the hardest problems in life are self-created. Either they result from our actions or don't exist outside our subconscious mind. Owning up to them is the start of personal development. 
A hyperactive mind is like a monkey swinging from one branch to another. Controlling it will take a lot of time, commitment and organization.  I have faced this problem for years just like many of you, so I will share some tips that have worked for me, hoping you find something that suits you.

Be Aware
The foremost step is to realize when it happens. Sometimes we get so immersed in the train of thought that we cannot realize what we are doing. 
Automated Negative Thoughts (ANTs) are the negative thoughts that activate in reaction to a situation. So be aware of when ANTs crawl up. Also, note how you feel during that rush of thoughts. Do you feel irritated, guilty, regretful or nervous? Having self-awareness is key to changing your mindset.

Distract Yourself
Divert your mind towards activities you enjoy and also require some focus. It can be anything from learning to play guitar, learning a new recipe, playing sports, painting, workout to taking up a new hobby. Workout and learning any new skill usually works for everyone. Also, I've recently discovered doodling, so try that maybe it works for you as well lol.

Breath Deeply
You must have heard people talk about the importance of deep breaths, that's because it works for everyone. Breathing is an unconscious activity. We don't have to put an effort to inhale and exhale. But focusing on this very activity when your mind is acting like a monkey can help your body calm down, and since the body and mind work together, it helps cage that monkey.
1. First, find a comfortable place to sit or lay down.
2. Place your hand over your heart.
3. Inhale deeply and exhale through your nose while paying attention to it. Pay attention to how your chest moves during both activities.
Bonus: I also like to focus on my heartbeat and try to slow it down with the help of deep breaths, so try that.

This one is like the one above. But the point of adding this is to make you understand about doing this regularly. Close your eyes, focus on the cool air you inhale and the hot, dense (negativity filled) air you exhale. Be aware of your surroundings, using your sense of hearing and visualize peace.

Stay Present
Just like ships need an anchor to stay put and not get carried away with the current, humans need an anchor too sometimes. There are many ways to do this, but I will share a few I know work well.

1. Every day, for a designated amount of time, shut off your laptop and phone. For many people, increased screen time either causes anxiety or makes their mind tired, which makes them susceptible to be carried away by the thoughts as they don't have the energy to fight. Distancing from technology can also work as soon as you realize you are falling into an overthinking trap.
2. Taking some fresh air every day is necessary for your well being. Whether you take a walk, go for a jog or sit in the balcony relaxing, fresh air and sunlight will keep your mind fresh enough to fight against its problems.
3. The third tip is like a daily focus training. Whenever you are eating, solely focus on the food and not towards any conversation, your phone or whatever is on TV. This can help train your mind to focus well as you are getting the reward right away in terms of delicious food. The reward and punishment practice is present everywhere in our daily lives, and our minds are very susceptible to it. So focus and reward yourself with food, this will be a great mindfulness training.

Look at the bigger picture.
We sometimes forget how to view any situation from the correct angle. Though this happens to everyone, those who have been through chronic anxiety and depression would recognize this very well. Our brain when overthinking picks up tiny details and creates mostly a negative chain without realizing how unimportant that thing is in the grand scheme of things. For example, pronouncing a word wrong in front of a class or doing something silly that prompts laughter and jokes in a friend circle. Looking at these things from a broader point of view will make you realize how tiny and meaningless they are. 
No one remembers Ross saying 'Squatternut bosh' instead of 'Butternut squash' Joey! That was a reference from Friends (TV show) for those of you who don't know.

BONUS TIP: There is this thing I often do before sleep as it helps my mind and my eyes to relax. Put your palms on each eye in a way that no light passes through. Keep your eyes open and let them rest in the darkness. Stay like that for 3 to 4 mins at least, step back and look at your mind run thoughts from a distance. There is no need to interfere as these thoughts can't hurt you, so let them be for a while. After trying this a few days, you'll notice that since there is no resistance your mind feels, it will tone down the unnecessary thought train. Imagine it like an unruly child that, if told not to do something, will do that exact thing.


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