Reasons to go to the Gym, even when you dont feel like it.
It is a well-known fact that regular workouts improve our physical as well as mental health making us better equipped with facing the difficulties of daily life. Well, let's dive deeper into why you need to get yourself up and workout instead of just leaving ass prints on your couch.
~ Everyone can do it!
Movies, tv shows, magazines, etc show people so ripped and fit. It motivates us but at the same time, it demotivates many. One of the thoughts that bother so many people is that they think they can never achieve that level of fitness, which is not true at all. You, I and everyone have the ability to achieve our peak potentials even in physical terms as well as in terms of personality. And just like everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, we chose different ways and paths to get there, the best optimum physical form requires work based on your unique set of abilities and weaknesses. But, it can be achieved, your genes haven't predefined your destiny.
~ You will become a better version of yourself.
One of the best rewards on your journey to becoming the best version of yourself probably has to be the sense of satisfaction and elevation of your self-esteem every new goal achieved provides. In gym language that would mean something like planking for 25 seconds instead of 20, or lifting those 5kg more than your previous best. This satisfaction keeps us going, pushes us to keep making the climb. Ultimately, after focus and dedication, you are only left with the goal, which now has become your present state.
~ Like attracts like.
Getting out of your comfort zone, working on improving yourself in a space where everyone has the same goal is a surefire way of meeting new people with similar ideas and motives. These people will get you further motivated, give you key advice which will help you on your way and you never know, you might even end up making some life long relationships.
~ A healthy body has a healthy mind.
Physical health without mental health or vice versa is useless. Luckily, both these things are interconnected biologically. Meaning if you improve either one of them, you will see positive effects on the other as well.
Have you noticed how workout and sweat of success elevate your mood and reduces stress drastically? Those are your feel-good chemicals doing their job in your brain. And it's a very well known fact that a body works the best when not in anxiety or stress because the distribution of nutritions, rest, recovery, and everything which our brain does for us itself works well. All the unconscious, as well as the conscious functions, work in perfect order. Like I said, taking care of one of them will help you take care of the other and eventually make you happier in life. If that's, not a strong reason to workout I don't know what is.
Moreover, scheduling your day is a very healthy brain and body exercise in itself as it regulates your body into working well every day. This is why successful people like Bill Gates, Oprah, Mark Zuckerberg, and Richard Branson have scheduled workout routines. They give partial credit for their success and happiness to physical fitness.
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